THAT Council receive Staff Report PDS.23.132, entitled “Community Improvement Program Applications Fall 2023 Intake”;
AND THAT Council approves the allocation of $68,800.14 from the CIP Reserve Fund to support the following projects as recommended by the Community Improvement Plan Review Committee;
Recipient and Recommended 2023 Grant
19 Bruce Street North, Thornbury (Sarah Beveridge & Christian Carvallo, Blue Thornbury) - $30,014.63
190 Russell Street East, Thornbury (Melissa Goldmintz, Lemonade Collective) - $2,268.20
827502 Grey Road 40, Clarksburg (Shannon Matamoros, Garden Holistics) - $15,000.00
18 Bruce Street South, Thornbury (Keith Turner) - $10,000.00
43 Bruce Street South, Thornbury (Jeanne Stellar) -$11,517.31
AND THAT Council delegates signing authority for executed Community Improvement Plan Agreements to the Mayor and Clerk.