THAT Council receive Staff Report CSOPS.24.031, entitled “Bay Street East Reconstruction PIC 1 Follow-up”;
AND THAT Council receive the “Bay Street East Reconstruction PIC 1 Follow-up Presentation included as Attachment 1 and Follow-up Summary included as Attachment 2;
AND THAT Council direct Staff to proceed with the design of Bay Street East including sanitary forcemain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain with restoration to the Town Standard Local Urban 20m ROW with No Parking Cross-section with 7.5m asphalt width, and 2.7m multi-use trail;
AND THAT Council direct staff to proceed with the design of Grey Street from Bay Street East to the Thornbury Wastewater Treatment Plant including the installation of the outfall, sanitary forcemain, storm sewer and watermain with restoration to the Town Standard Local Urban 20m ROW with No Parking Cross-section with 7.5m asphalt width and 2.7m multi-use trail;