THAT Council receive Staff Report CSOPS.24.043, entitled “125 Peel Street Servicing Follow-up”;
AND THAT Council direct Staff to proceed with the design and construction of Peel St S with the Level of Service as described in Servicing Alternative A: Fully service Peel St S (water, wastewater, third party utilities) with watermain replacement only on Alice St and Baring St as outlined in CSOPS.24.018;
AND THAT Council direct Staff to proceed with Peel St S Cross-section Alternative 2: Full Urban Cross Section and Multi-use Trail as outlined in CSOPS.24.018;
AND THAT Council direct Staff to replace the deficient watermain on Alice St with Cross-section Alternative 2: Existing rural cross-section (restoration of disturbed areas) including drainage improvements and intersection improvements at the Alice St and Lansdowne St intersection as outlined in CSOPS.24.018;
AND THAT Council direct Staff to replace the deficient watermain on Baring St with Cross-section Alternative 2: Existing rural cross-section (restoration of disturbed areas) as per Baring St Alternative 1 including drainage improvements and intersection improvements at the Baring St and Peel St S intersection as outlined is CSOPS.24.018;
AND THAT Council approve increasing the engineering contingency by $130,000 to allow for legal surveying, additional communications and other miscellaneous costs.