Revised Agenda
The Blue Mountains, Council Meeting

Meeting #:
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual Meeting
32 Mill Street, Thornbury, ON
Prepared by: Corrina Giles, Town Clerk

We would like to begin our meeting by recognizing the First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples of Canada as traditional stewards of the land.  The municipality is located within the boundary of Treaty 18 region of 1818 which is the traditional land of the Anishnaabek, Haudenosaunee and Wendat-Wyandot-Wyandotte peoples.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT the Agenda of September 9, 2024 be approved as circulated, including any items added to the Agenda.

NOTE:  In accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and the Town Procedural By-law 2023-62, Council Members must file a written statement of the interest and its general nature with the Clerk for inclusion on the Registry.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT the Council minutes of July 15, 2024 and the Council, Public Meeting minutes of July 9, 2024 be adopted as circulated, including any revisions to be made. 

Under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 and in accordance with Ontario’s Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), The Corporation of the Town of The Blue Mountains wishes to inform the public that all information including opinions, presentations, reports and documentation provided for or at a Public Meeting, Public Consultation, or other Public Process are considered part of the public record. This information may be posted on the Town’s website and/or made available to the public upon request.

Re: Request for Mayor to sign letter of support for the Marsh Street Centre's Federal New Horizons - Seniors Grant Application for 2025 to 2026

NOTE: In accordance with the Town Procedural By-law 2023-62 any person may provide comments during the Public Comment Period at a Council Meeting, regarding Town matters. Each person providing comments during a Public Comment Period shall be limited to not more than three minutes. The Clerk or a countdown clock shall alert the speaker when they have one minute remaining to address Council. Each person shall provide their name and address, and is required to address their comments to the Chair. Comments shall not refer to personal, litigation or potential litigation matters, or be in response to matters that have been the subject of a Public Meeting, it being noted that the verbal commenting period has ended. Written correspondence may still be received in response to matters that have been the subject of a Public Meeting.  If a person is unable to personally attend the meeting, or during any period where an emergency has been declared to exist in the municipality, they shall provide their Public Comments in writing to the Clerk in advance of the meeting for the Clerk to read on behalf of the author during the Public Comment Period.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receives the correspondence listed as Agenda items D.1.1 to D.1.21, less any items requested for separate review and discussion, and further does support the Staff recommendation made with regard to the Correspondence items, including any additional direction given to Staff through discussion, with an appropriate Staff action or response awaited for report back to Committee or Council, where indicated.

Re: Request for Council support for the Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command - 12th Annual Service Recognition Book
(For Council Consideration)

Re: Request from Council for permission to digitize "An Illustrated History of Collingwood Township"
(For Council Consideration)

Re: Proposal for a Vacant Home Tax in the Town of The Blue Mountains
(For Council Consideration)

(For Council Consideration)
Re: Request for fee waiver for use of the Tomahawk Golf Course for Cross-Country Meet on October 17, 2024 and Soccer Tournament on October 11, 2024

Re: Housing Affordability Gap and Sustainability in our Towns
(Receive For Information)

Re: Comments on Community Improvement Plan Goals
(Receive For Information)

Re: Notice of Study Commencement - Detail Design Study and Class Environmental Assessment Study Intersection Improvements on Highway 26 at Grey Road 2 and Grey Road 21
(Receive For Information)

Re: Revised Position with respect to short-term accommodations within the Niagara Escarpment Plan Area of Development Control
(Receive For Information)

Re: Town of Grimsby Resolution requesting the provincial government to support increasing funding for public libraries and community museums
(Receive For Information)

Re: Notice of Decision and Right to Appeal Application No.: A26-2024
(Receive For Information) 

Re: Notice of Decision and Right to Appeal Application No. A27-2024
(Receive For Information) 

Re: Notice of Decision and Right to Appeal Application No. A28-2024 
(Receive For Information) 

Re: Notice of Decision and Right to Appeal Application No. A29-2024
(Receive For Information) 

Re: Notice of Decision and Right to Appeal Application No. A30-2024
(Receive For Information) 

Re: Notice of Decision and Right to Appeal Application No. A31-2024
(Receive For Information) 

Re: Notice of Decision and Right to Appeal Application No. A32-2024
(Receive For Information)

Re: Notice of Decision and Right to Appeal Application No. B13-2024 and B14-2024
(Receive For Information)

Re: Decision on Consent Application B06-2024 (Concession 8, Part Lot 15)
(Receive For Information)

Re: Decision on Consent Application B10-2024, B11-2024 and B12-2024 (Collingwood Con 9, Pt Lot 30 Plan 562 Pt Lots 54 and 57)
(Receive For Information)

Re: Decision on Consent Application B15-2024 (Plan 807 Lot 24)
(Receive For Information)

Re: Follow-up to Council on the Resort Condominium Tax Class
(Receive For Information)

(Received for Information)

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains receives the Committee and Board minutes included on the September 9, 2024 Council Agenda, for information, less any items pulled for separate discussion.

With the adoption of the Committee Reports included on the Consent Agenda, all Recommendations found within the Committee Report(s) are approved by Council, as recommended, less any items requested for separate review and discussion.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT the recommendations found within the Committee Reports included on the September 9, 2024 Council Agenda are approved by Council, as recommended, less any items requested for separate review and discussion.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report PDS.24.123, entitled “Draft Plan Approval Extension for 139 Brophy’s Lane”;

    AND THAT Council hereby supports a one (1) year extension to Draft Plan of Subdivision and Condominium File No. 42-T-2008-10B and 42-CDM-2008-10A from September 30, 2024 to September 30, 2025.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT, it is acknowledged that a quorum of members of Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains, may be attending the following events:

    1. Community Barbecue on September 15, 2024 from 11 am-2 pm, Town Hall
    2. Council Cafe on September 27, 2024 from 8-10 am, Beaver Valley Community Centre
    3. Council Cafe on November 27, 2024 from 8-10 am, Ravenna Hall
    4. Council Cafe on January 8, 2025 from 8-10 am, Craigleith Community Centre
    5. Council Cafe on March 28, 2025, from 8-10 am, Location TBD

    AND THAT, in accordance with the provisions of the Town Procedural By-law 2023-62, it is not intended that a meeting of Council shall automatically occur because a quorum of the members is present at the event, and Council confirms that while attending these events, Council will not deal with any matter that materially advances the business or decision making of Council. 

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report CSOPS.24.072, entitled “Appointment of Municipal Law Enforcement Officers”;

    AND THAT Council enact a By-law to appoint Jeremy Dufour and Kylie Quesnelle as Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the purposes of enforcing the by-laws of the municipality.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT By-law No. 2024-57, being a By-law to appoint a Treasurer of the Town of The Blue Mountains, be hereby enacted as passed this 9th day of September, 2024.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT By-law No. 2024-58, being a By-law to appoint a Deputy Treasurer of the Town of The Blue Mountains, be hereby enacted as passed this 9th day of September, 2024.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT By-law No. 2024-59, being a By-law to establish a Compensation and Expense Policy for the Mayor and Members of Council, be hereby enacted at passed this 9th day of September, 2024. 

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT By-law No. 2024-60, being a By-law to establish a Compensation and Expense Policy for the Town of The Blue Mountains Committee of Adjustment, be hereby enacted at passed this 9th day of September, 2024. 

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT By-law No. 2024-61, being a By-law to adopt a policy of the Town detailing accountability and transparency of Town actions to the Public, be hereby enacted at passed this 9th day of September, 2024. 

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT By-law No. 2024-62, being a By-law to adopt a policy of the Town detailing the provision of notice and manner of giving notice to the public by the municipality, be hereby enacted at passed this 9th day of September, 2024.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT By-law No. 2024-63, being a By-law to appoint Jeremy Dufour and Kylie Quesnelle as Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the Town of The Blue Mountains, be hereby enacted as passed this 9th day of September, 2024.

Councillor Maxwell provided the following Notice of Motion at the July 15, 2024 Council Meeting. In accordance with Procedural By-law 2023-62 the motion requires a mover and seconder to be put before Council

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    WHEREAS declining voter turnout poses a challenge to democratic engagement and legitimacy;

    AND WHEREAS voting should be a community experience, fostering civic duty and participation;

    AND WHEREAS inclusivity and accessibility are crucial for accommodating all voters, especially in geographically dispersed areas;

    THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains directs staff to conduct a comprehensive review of all voting methods, including paper ballots, online voting, and other feasible options, to determine their effectiveness in maximizing voter turnout;

    AND THAT the review shall include an assessment of the potential risks and benefits of each method, with a focus on security, integrity, and privacy concerns, particularly related to online voting, including concerns about AI manipulation and data privacy;

    AND THAT the review process shall incorporate public consultations and feedback mechanisms to ensure community involvement in the decision-making process;

    AND THAT staff shall explore the possibility of including referendums on specific issues within the municipal election process to enhance community engagement and decision-making.

Mayor Matrosovs provided the following Notice of Motion at the July 15, 2024 Council Meeting. In accordance with Procedural By-law 2023-62 the motion requires a mover and seconder to be put before Council.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    WHEREAS the Town has established engineering standards for two-way urban roads;

    AND WHEREAS the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 179 (1) Duties of pedestrian when walking along highway states “Where sidewalks are not provided on a highway, a pedestrian walking along the highway shall walk on the left side thereof facing oncoming traffic and, when walking along the roadway, shall walk as close to the left edge thereof as possible”;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to add to the engineering standards:

    1. Standard Local Urban 20m ROW cross sections with a one-way road with a sidewalk and parking
    2. Standard Local Urban 20m ROW cross sections with a one-way road with a sidewalk and no parking
    3. Standard Local Urban 20m ROW cross sections with a one-way road with a multi-use path and parking
    4. Standard Local Urban 20m ROW cross sections with a one-way road with a multi-use path and no parking

NOTE: Councillor Porter provided the following Notice of Motion at the August 27, 2024 Committee of the Whole Meeting. 

Councillor Porter has withdrawn this Notice of Motion.

NOTE: Councillor Porter provided the following Notice of Motion at the August 27, 2024 Committee of the Whole Meeting. 

Councillor Porter has withdrawn this Notice of Motion.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT with regard to subsection 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, this Council does now move into closed session in order to address matters pertaining to:

    1. a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board, and with regard to the municipality's inventory of land;
    2. litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board, advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, and with regard to Ontario Land Tribunal appeals;
    3. labour relations or employee negotiations, and with regard to shared service delivery and service efficiencies

    Council moved into closed session at ____p.m.
    Council moved into public session at ____p.m.

Council, Public Meeting, September 10, 2024
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual

Committee of the Whole Meeting, September 16, 2024
Finance, Administration, Fire Services, Community Services
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual

Committee of the Whole Meeting, September 17, 2024
Operations, Planning and Development Services
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual

Council Meeting, September 30, 2024
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual

Council, Public Meeting, October 1, 2024
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT By-law No. 2024-64, being a By-law to confirm proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of The Blue Mountains on September 9, 2024 be hereby enacted as passed this 9th day of September, 2024.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT this Council does now adjourn at (time) p.m. to meet again September 30, 2024 Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual, or at the call of the Chair.

No Item Selected