WHEREAS declining voter turnout poses a challenge to democratic engagement and legitimacy;
AND WHEREAS voting should be a community experience, fostering civic duty and participation;
AND WHEREAS inclusivity and accessibility are crucial for accommodating all voters, especially in geographically dispersed areas;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains directs staff to conduct a comprehensive review of all voting methods, including paper ballots, online voting, and other feasible options, to determine their effectiveness in maximizing voter turnout;
AND THAT the review shall include an assessment of the potential risks and benefits of each method, with a focus on security, integrity, and privacy concerns, particularly related to online voting, including concerns about AI manipulation and data privacy;
AND THAT the review process shall incorporate public consultations and feedback mechanisms to ensure community involvement in the decision-making process;
AND THAT staff shall explore the possibility of including referendums on specific issues within the municipal election process to enhance community engagement and decision-making.