Revised Agenda
The Blue Mountains, Council Meeting

Meeting #:
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual Meeting
32 Mill Street, Thornbury, ON
Prepared by: Corrina Giles, Town Clerk

We would like to begin our meeting by recognizing the First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples of Canada as traditional stewards of the land.  The municipality is located within the boundary of Treaty 18 region of 1818 which is the traditional land of the Anishnaabek, Haudenosaunee and Wendat-Wyandot-Wyandotte peoples.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT the Agenda of March 11, 2024 be approved as circulated, including any items added to the Agenda.

NOTE:  In accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and the Town Procedural By-law 2023-62, Council Members must file a written statement of the interest and its general nature with the Clerk for inclusion on the Registry.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT the Council Public Meeting Minutes of February 13, 2024, the Council Minutes of February 20, 2024 and the Special Meeting of Council Minutes of February 26, 2024 be adopted as circulated, including any revisions to be made. 

Under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 and in accordance with Ontario’s Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), The Corporation of the Town of The Blue Mountains wishes to inform the public that all information including opinions, presentations, reports and documentation provided for or at a Public Meeting, Public Consultation, or other Public Process are considered part of the public record. This information may be posted on the Town’s website and/or made available to the public upon request.

Re: Request to declare "Pond Skim" event dated March 30, 2024 a Municipally Significant Event for the purposes of the issuance of an Alcohol and Gaming Commission Special Occasion Permit

Re: Request to declare "Slope Soaker" event dated March 24, 2024 a Municipally Significant Event for the purposes of the issuance of an Alcohol and Gaming Commission Special Occasion Permit

Re: Request for Council to waive condition relating to parkland and cash-in-lieu condition on property

NOTE: In accordance with the Town Procedural By-law 2023-62 any person may provide comments during the Public Comment Period at a Council Meeting, regarding Town matters. Each person providing comments during a Public Comment Period shall be limited to not more than three minutes. The Clerk or a countdown clock shall alert the speaker when they have one minute remaining to address Council. Each person shall provide their name and address, and is required to address their comments to the Chair. Comments shall not refer to personal, litigation or potential litigation matters, or be in response to matters that have been the subject of a Public Meeting, it being noted that the verbal commenting period has ended. Written correspondence may still be received in response to matters that have been the subject of a Public Meeting.  If a person is unable to personally attend the meeting, or during any period where an emergency has been declared to exist in the municipality, they shall provide their Public Comments in writing to the Clerk in advance of the meeting for the Clerk to read on behalf of the author during the Public Comment Period.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receives the correspondence listed as Agenda items D.1.1 to D.1.12, less any items requested for separate review and discussion, and further does support the Staff recommendation made with regard to the Correspondence items, including any additional direction given to Staff through discussion, with an appropriate Staff action or response awaited for report back to Committee or Council, where indicated.

Re: Request for waiver of the Tomahawk Golf Course fees for two events
(For Council Consideration)

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains receives for information the correspondence of Tom Kennedy, Beaver Valley Lions Club, regarding a request for a waiver of the Tomahawk Golf Course fees for two events

Re: Letter in support of correspondence from Linda Wykes regarding use of recreational trailers to assist the unhoused
(Receive For Information)

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains receives for information the correspondence of Tom Kennedy, Beaver Valley Lions Club Re: support of correspondence from Linda Wykes regarding use of recreational trailers to assist the unhoused. 

Re: Concerns regarding the delays to the Thornbury West Reconstruction Project
(Receive For Information)

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains receives for information the correspondence of Sid and Louise McFarlane, Residents, Re: concerns regarding the delays to the Thornbury West Reconstruction Project. 

Re: Comments regarding Council's Reconsideration of Thornbury West Reconstruction Project
(Receive For Information)

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains received for information the correspondence of Sarah Beveridge, Chair and Renee Desrochers, Co-Chair, Thornbury Business Improvement Area Board, regarding Council's Reconsideration of the Thornbury West Reconstruction Project. 

Re: Comments in support of Georgian Hills Vineyard Request for Noise By-law Relief
(Receive For Information)

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains receives for information the correspondence of Nicole Paara and Shaun Edmonstone, Co-Owners, Bruce Wine Bar Re: comments in support of Georgian Hills Vineyard Request for Noise By-law Relief. 

Re: Comments regarding signage and fine amount for off-leash dogs
(Receive For Information and refer to By-law Services staff for response)

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains receives for information the correspondence of Lynley Swain, Resident, Re: comments regarding signage and fine amount for off-leash dogs.

Re: Notice of Decision and Right to Appeal Application Number A07-2024
(Receive for Information)

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains receives for information the correspondence of the Committee of Adjustment Re: Notice of Decision and Right to Appeal Application Number A07-2024.

Re: Notice of Decision and Right to Appeal Application Number A08-2024 
(Receive for Information)

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains receives for information the correspondence of the Committee of Adjustment Re: Notice of Decision and Right to Appeal Application Number A08-2024.

Re: Notice of Decision and Right to Appeal Application Number A09-2024
(Receive for Information) 

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains receives for information the correspondence of the Committee of Adjustment Re: Notice of Decision and Right to Appeal Application Number A09-2024.

Re: Notice of Decision and Right to Appeal Application Number A10-2024
(Receive for Information) 

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains receives for information the correspondence of the Committee of Adjustment Re: Notice of Decision and Right to Appeal Application Number A10-2024.

Re: Amendment to "Corporate Delegation by Council of Powers and Duties Policy" 

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains receives for information the correspondence of Carl Michener, President, Blue Mountain Watershed Trust Re: Amendment to "Corporate Delegation by Council of Powers of Duties Policy."

Re: 2024 Youth Pickleball Camps

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains receives for information the correspondence of Harry Stevens and Rosemarie Wickens Re: 2024 Youth Pickleball Camps.

(Received for Information)

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains receives the Committee and Board minutes included on the March 11, 2024 Council Agenda, for information, less any items pulled for separate discussion.

With the adoption of the Committee Reports included on the Consent Agenda, all Recommendations found within the Committee Report(s) are approved by Council, as recommended, less any items requested for separate review and discussion.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT the recommendations found within the Committee Reports included on the March 11, 2024 Council Agenda are approved by Council, as recommended, less any items requested for separate review and discussion.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report FAF.24.030, entitled “Recommendation to Initiate an RFP Process for the Potential Disposition of 171 King Street East”;

    AND THAT Council direct staff to initiate the RFP process regarding the potential disposition, sale or lease of 171 King Street East through a formal, transparent, and accountable selection process.


  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report FAF.24.025, entitled “The Blue Mountains Attainable Housing Corporation Loan”;

    AND THAT Council direct Staff to proceed with Option #1 - "Defer Until Decision on 171 King Street has been determined"

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report FAF.24.013, entitled “2023 Statement of Council Remuneration and Expenses” as required under Section 284 of the Municipal Act, 2001, for information purposes.

Re: Comments in support of relief from Noise By-law regarding Georgian Hills Vineyard 2024 and 2025 Noise By-law Relief Requests, FAF.24.032

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains receives for information the deputation of Robert Ketchin, Georgian Hills Vineyard and Winery Re: Comments in support of relief from Noise By-law regarding Georgian Hills Vineyard 2024 and 2025 Noise By-law Relief Requests, FAF.24.032

Re: Petition from neighbours regarding Georgian Hills Vineyards 2024 and 2025 Noise By-law Relief Requests, FAF.24.032

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains receives for information the correspondence of Peter Franklyn, Resident, Re: Petition from neighbours regarding Georgian Hills Vineyard 2024 and 2025 Noise By-law Relief Requests, FAF.24.032.

Re: Comments regarding the Georgian Hills Vineyard 2024 and 2025 Noise By-law Relief Requests, FAF.24.032

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains receive for information the correspondence of Gary Harvey, Resident, Re: Comments regarding Georgian Hills Vineyard 2024 and 2025 Noise By-law Relief Requests, FAF.24.032.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report FAF.24.032, entitled “Georgian Hills Vineyard 2024 and 2025 Noise By- law Relief Requests”;

    AND THAT Council authorizes the requests for relief from the provisions of the Noise By-law for the 2024 and 2025 events listed in staff report FAF.24.032, on the condition that:

    1. Georgian Hills Vineyard designates a responsible person with real time contact information provided to neighbours;
    2. Georgian Hills Vineyard will provide decibel data for six events, as identified by staff, and additionally where a complaint has been received
    3. 2025 events will be by a DJ as authorized by Georgian Hills Vineyard

    AND THAT Council direct staff to provide a report to Council, prior to further exemption requests, for Council consideration.   





  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report FAF.24.024 entitled “Annual Report on Abandoned Orchards for 2023”;

    AND THAT Council receive this report for information purposes only

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report FAF.24.031, entitled “Amendment to By-law 2018-67, being a By-law to appoint Municipal Law Enforcement Officers”;

    AND THAT Council enact an amendment to By-law No. 2018-67, as amended, being a By-law to appoint Municipal Law Enforcement Officers, that would update the list of persons appointed as Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the purposes of enforcing specific parking-related by-laws of the municipality on specific lands.



  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of Town of The Blue Mountains receive for information the recommendation from the Agricultural Advisory Committee dated February 15, 2024:

    THAT the Agricultural Advisory Committee requests Council to provide guidance on what Council would like this Committee to focus on, the Official Plan and/or the Future Story, as it relates to Agriculture, CARRIED.

    AND THAT Council refers the Agricultural Advisory Committee to its Terms of Reference for guidance


Re: Concerns regarding trees and parking on Louisa Street West
(Receive For Information and refer to Operations staff for response)

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of Town of The Blue Mountains receive for information the correspondence of Verla Moore, Resident, Re: Concerns regarding trees and parking on Louisa Street West;

    AND THAT Council refers the correspondence to Operations staff for review and response to Verla Moore.

Re: Concerns regarding trees and parking on Louisa Street West
(Receive For Information and refer to Operations staff for response)

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of Town of The Blue Mountains receive for information the correspondence of Verla and Michael Martin, Residents, Re: Concerns regarding trees and parking on Louisa Street West;

    AND THAT Council refers the correspondence to Operations staff for review and response to Verla and Michael Martin.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report CSOPS.24.007, entitled “Water Operations Update – September 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023” for their information.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report CSOPS.24.008, entitled “2023 Water Summary Report” for their information.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report CSOPS.24.015, entitled “East Side Municipal Class EA Public Information Centre 2”;

    AND THAT Council direct staff to proceed with holding a second virtual Public Information Centre;

    AND THAT Council endorse in principle, the Preliminary Preferred Alternative subject to stakeholder and public consultation;

    AND THAT Council direct staff to provide a follow-up report after the Public Information Centre;

    AND THAT Council direct staff to continue to actively participate in the Town of Collingwood’s Water Treatment Plant expansion project.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report CSOPS.24.017, entitled “Amendment to By-law 2023-37, being a Bylaw to Provide for the Regulation of Water Supply in the Town of The Blue Mountains”;

    AND THAT Council consider waiving the requirement to hold a Public Meeting to receive comments on the proposed amendment to By-law 2023-37 as it is administrative in nature;

    AND THAT Council waive the requirement to hold a Public Meeting, and Council direct staff to provide the proposed By-law to Amend By-law 2023-37, as detailed in the report, to the next Council Meeting, for enactment.


  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report CSOPS.24.006, entitled “Environmental Sustainability Fund Distribution”;

    AND THAT Council approve the distribution, conducted in accordance with “The Blue Mountains Sustainability Fund” Terms of Reference, of $2,500 in funds to Georgian Bay Forever and $2,500 to Treetrust TBM.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report CSOPS.24.005, entitled “Future of Natural Gas Expansion and Home Heating Affordability”.

Re: Request for Council to provide support to homeless people in the community and to avoid homelessness
(For Council Consideration)

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of Town of The Blue Mountains receive for information the correspondence of Linda Wykes, Resident, Re: Request for Council to provide support to homeless people in the community and to avoid homelessness;

    AND THAT Council direct staff to provide a staff report for Council consideration including the opportunity to add RVs and trailers in the Additional Dwelling Unit Public Meeting.

Note: This report will be available on Thursday February 22, 2024.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report PDS.24.030, entitled “Amendments to Delegated Authority for Consent Applications”;

    AND THAT Council approve the proposed amendments to Schedule A of the Town’s Corporate Delegation by Council of Powers and Duties Policy POL.COR.07.04 as outlined in Attachment 1;

    AND THAT Council approve the attached by-law to amend By-law 2021-61 being a By-law detailing certain Delegation of Powers and Duties by the municipality as it relates to delegations to the Director of Planning and Development Services;

    AND THAT Council direct staff to provide the by-laws to Council for enactment at the March 11, 2024 Council Meeting


  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report PDS.24.029, entitled “File P3359 Zoning Bylaw Amendment 516681 7th Line”;

    AND THAT the Zoning By-law Amendment, to amend the Town of The Blue Mountains Zoning By-law 2018-65, as amended, as shown on Attachment 1 to Staff Report PDS.24.029 for the lands municipally known as 516681 7th Line from Development (D) Zone to Residential One Exception (R1-1-147-h45) be approved subject to the related site specific exceptions and Holding provisions for the reasons outlined in Report PDS.24.029 and its Attachments dated February 27, 2024.


  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report FAF.24.038, entitled “Georgian Hills Vineyard Follow-Up Report 2024 and 2025 Noise By-law Relief Requests”;

    AND THAT, further to consideration of Staff Report FAF.24.032 entitled “Georgian Hills Vineyard 2024 and 2025 Noise By-law Relief Requests” considered at the February 26, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council approves the requests for relief from the provisions of the Noise By-law for Georgian Hills Vineyard for the 2024 and 2025 calendar years, as listed below, with the following conditions:

    1. Georgian Hills Vineyard shall designate a responsible person that can be contacted real time during events and with municipal enforcement response contact information being provided by the Town to the residents within one hundred and twenty (120) meter radius of the Georgian Hills Vineyard property;
    2. Georgian Hills Vineyard will provide decibel data for six events in 2024 and six events in 2025 to be determined and requested by Town staff post events, and additionally where a complaint has been received by the Town; and
    3. All 2025 events at Georgian Hills Vineyard will be by a DJ that has been as authorized by Georgian Hills Vineyard.


    2024 DATES






    Saturday, June 15, 2024

    Wedding - Full

    4pm to 12am



    Saturday, June 22, 2024

    Wedding Ceremony Only

    3pm to 6pm

    Personal Speakers


    Friday, July 5, 2024


    4:30pm to 12am



    Saturday, July 13, 2024


    4pm to 12am



    Saturday, July 20, 2024


    4pm to 12am



    Sunday, July 21, 2024


    11am to 6pm



    Saturday, July 27, 2024


    4pm to 12am

    BAND to 11pm

    DJ to 12am


    Saturday, August 10, 2024


    4pm to 12am



    Saturday, August 17, 2024


    4pm to 12am

    BAND to 11pm

    DJ to 12am


    Saturday, August 24, 2024


    4pm to 12am



    Saturday, August 31, 2024


    4pm to 12am



    Saturday, September 7, 2024


    4pm to 12am



    Saturday, September 14, 2024


    4pm to 12am





    2025 DATES






    Saturday, June 14, 2025


    4pm to 12am


    150 Max

    Saturday, June 21, 2025


    4pm to 12am


    150 Max

    Saturday, July 5, 2025


    4pm to 12am


    150 Max

    Saturday, July 12, 2025


    4pm to 12am


    150 Max

    Saturday, July 19, 2025


    4pm to 12am


    150 Max

    Sunday, July 20, 2025


    12pm to 6pm


    300 Max

    Saturday, July 26, 2025


    4pm to 12am


    150 Max

    Saturday, August 9, 2025


    4pm to 12am


    150 Max

    Saturday, August 16, 2025


    4pm to 12am


    150 Max

    Saturday, August 23, 2025


    4pm to 12am


    150 Max

    Saturday, September 6, 2025


    4pm to 12am


    150 Max

    Saturday, September 13, 2025


    4pm to 12am


    150 Max



  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains appoints ________ to The Blue Mountains Public Library Board for the balance of the 2022 to 2026 term of Council.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT By-law No. 2024-12, being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2018-67, as amended, being a By-law to appoint Municipal Law Enforcement Officers, be hereby enacted as passed this 11th day of March, 2024.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT By-law No. 2024-13, being a By-law to amend By-law 2021-61, detailing certain Delegation of Powers and Duties by the Municipality by delegating to the Director of Planning and Development Services, or designate, the approval authority for Consent applications, pursuant to Section 53 of the Planning Act, with such delegation limited to those developments that are inconformity with the applicable Zoning By-law and Official Plan, be hereby enacted as passed this 11th day of March, 2024. 

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT By-law No. 2024-14, being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law 2018-65 to rezone the lands described as Concession 7 Part Lot26 Register Plan 16R3261 Part 1, municipally known as 516681 7th Line from the Development ‘D’ Zone to the Residential One Exception ‘R1-1-147-h45’ Zone and Open Space ‘OS’ Zone in accordance with Schedule ‘A-1’ to this By-law, be hereby enacted as passed this 11th day of March, 2024.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT By-law No. 2024-15, being a by-law to amend 2023-37, being a By-law to provide for the Regulation of the Water Supply in the Town of The Blue Mountains, be hereby enacted as passed on this 11th day of March 2024. 

Councillor Porter provided the following Notice of Motion at the January 29, 2024 Council Meeting. This Notice of Motion was deferred from the February 20, 2024 Council Agenda and is included on the March 11, 2024 Council Agenda for Council consideration.   In accordance with Procedural By-law 2023-62 the Notice of Motion requires a mover and seconder to be put before Council.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    That, Council directs staff to outline the new process and communication plan for parking passes, including alternative options for those who do not wish to provide personal information to the town or have more than two vehicles per residence.

Councillor Porter provided the following Notice of Motion at the January 29, 2024 Council Meeting. This Notice of Motion was deferred from the February 20, 2024 Council Agenda and is included on the March 11, 2024 Council Agenda for Council consideration.   In accordance with Procedural By-law 2023-62 the Notice of Motion requires a mover and seconder to be put before Council.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    That Council provide a self authored post conference/AGM reports inclusive of:

    1. An introduction explaining the relevant background information.
    2. Include highlights from important speakers or conference workshops.
    3. Describe how the information impacts The Town of The Blue Mountains strategic or project initiatives and or those with the County or Regional

Councillor Ardiel provided the following Notice of Motion at the February 5, 2024 Committee of the Whole Meeting. This Notice of Motion was deferred from the February 20, 2024 Council Agenda and is included on the March 11, 2024 Council Agenda for Council consideration.   In accordance with Procedural By-law 2023-62 the Notice of Motion requires a mover and seconder to be put before Council.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of Town of The Blue Mountains directs staff to report on Council's Budget Line-item Personnel and Training, as this line has been increased in the Town’s Budget for 2024 to cover the increase of costs of additional conferences, and an additional break-down of the 2023 Budget to determine where the increases incurred and the justification of these items.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT, with regard to subsection 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, this Council does now move into closed session in order to address matters pertaining to:

    1. litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board, the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose and with regard to Ontario Land Tribunal matters;
    2. the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose and with regard to a corporate policy;
    3. personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees, and with regard to the review of applications received for appointment to the Police Services Board

    Council moved into closed session at ____p.m.
    Council moved into public session at ____p.m.

Council, Public Meeting, March 12, 2024
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual

Committee of the Whole Meeting, March 18, 2024
Finance, Administration, Fire Services, Community Services
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual

Committee of the Whole Meeting, March 19, 2024
Operations, Planning and Development Services
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual

Council Meeting, April 2, 2024
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT By-law No. 2024-16, being a By-law to confirm proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of The Blue Mountains on March 11, 2024 be hereby enacted as passed this 11th day of March, 2024.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT this Council does now adjourn at (time) p.m. to meet again April 2, 2024 Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual, or at the call of the Chair.

No Item Selected