THAT Council receive Staff Report PBS.25.007, entitled “Water and Sewage Allocation By-Law – Implementation Options”;
AND THAT Council approve Option #2 being the modification of the Water and Sewage Allocation By-law Evaluation Framework to support the execution of Development Charge Front-Ending Agreements and Credit Agreements;
AND THAT Council enact the revised by-law as of January 13, 2025 implementing a Water and Sewage Allocation Policy for the purpose of allocating water and wastewater services to new developments
AND THAT Council approve the transitionary provisions identified in PDS.24.081 for the purpose of implementing the Water and Sewage Allocation By-law in a fair and transparent manner;
AND THAT Council direct staff to review the by-law 18 months following its enactment and recommend further revisions to the Water and Sewage Allocation Policy and associated Evaluation Framework.