THAT Council receive Staff Report OPS.25.004, entitled “Bay Street Reconstruction PIC 2 Follow-up”;
AND THAT Council receive the “Bay Street East Reconstruction” Public Information Centre 2 presentation included as Attachment 1 and Follow-up Summary included as Attachment 2;
AND THAT Council direct Staff to proceed to final design, tender and construction of Bay St East in accordance to Council’s previous direction in response to staff report . The Council resolution states that the reconstruction of Bay Street East is to include “sanitary forcemain, sanitary sewer and watermain by undertaking a preliminary design of a one-way street cross section with an alignment that minimizes the impact to the existing streetscape while not compromising safety or needed infrastructure.” The design to include “1. Stormwater bike safe grates/basins within the asphalt and or semi mountable curb” and “2. No sidewalks, multi-use trail or drainage ditches”;
AND THAT Council direct Staff to proceed to final design, tender and construction of Grey St in accordance to Councils previous direction “ beginning south from Bay Street East to Highway 26 in a complimentary manner to Bay Street East cross-section from Highway 26 to the Wastewater Treatment Plant with restoration to the Town standard local urban 20m ROW with no parking cross-section with 7.5 metre asphalt width and 2.7 metre multi-use trail including the installation of the outfall, sanitary forcemain, storm sewer and watermain”;
AND THAT Council approve an increase in the engineering contingency by $150,000 to allow for additional communications requested by residents related to tree removal and replanting of trees adjacent parklands and on private property. This includes services of an arborist, landscape architect and designer.