THAT the Committee of Adjustment receive Staff Report PBS.25.008, entitled “Recommendation Report – Consent for New Lot B09-2024 – Part 1, 16R8525 (Elmes)”;
AND THAT the Committee of Adjustment GRANT provisional consent for application B09-2024, subject to the following conditions:
- That the Applicant meets all the requirements of the Town, financial and otherwise, for the Certificate of Consent to be issued.
- That the Applicant provide payment of cash‐in‐lieu of parkland dedication for the severed lot, or 5% of its appraised value, to the satisfaction of the Town of The Blue Mountains.
- That the Applicant provide payment of applicable Development Charges for the severed lot, as required by the Town.
- That the depth of the severed lot is confirmed to be located entirely within the R1-1 zone or that the depth of the severed lot be modified to ensure that it is located entirely within the R1-1 zone.
- That the Applicant retain an engineer to provide an engineered Lot Development Plan to demonstrate that the existing Town water and sewer services can be extended to service the severed lot. The Lot Development Plan shall be submitted to the Town prior to final approval and registration of the Lot. A Municipal Land Use Agreement, or other Agreement as deemed appropriate by the Town, shall be entered into to facilitate all approved works. All costs associated with the installation of required services shall be the responsibility of the Applicant.
- That the Applicant retain an engineer to provide detailed design drawings for the provision of appropriate access to the site, to the satisfaction of the Town. A Municipal Land Use Agreement, or other Agreement as deemed appropriate by the Town, shall be entered into to facilitate all approved works. All costs associated with the installation of required works shall be the responsibility of the Applicant.
- That the Alice Street right-of-way shall not be used to satisfy Conditions 5 and 6.
- That the Applicant provide Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Assessments, and that any recommendations from the Assessments be implemented, to the satisfaction of the Town.
- That the Owner provides a description of the land and deposited reference plan, which can be registered in the Land Registry Office.
- That all above conditions be fulfilled within two years of the Notice of Decision so that the Certificate of Consent pursuant to Section 53(42) of the Planning Act, can be issued by the Town.