Revised Agenda
The Blue Mountains, Council Meeting

Meeting #:
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual Meeting
32 Mill Street, Thornbury, ON
Prepared by: Corrina Giles, Town Clerk

We would like to begin our meeting by recognizing the First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples of Canada as traditional stewards of the land.  The municipality is located within the boundary of Treaty 18 region of 1818 which is the traditional land of the Anishnaabek, Haudenosaunee and Wendat-Wyandot-Wyandotte peoples.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT the Agenda of March 14, 2022 be approved as circulated, including any items added to the Agenda.

NOTE:  In accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and the Town Procedural By-law 2021-76, Council Members must file a written statement of the interest and its general nature with the Clerk for inclusion on the Registry.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT the Council minutes of February 28, 2022, Special Meeting of Council minutes of February 23, 2022, March 2, 2022 and March 3, 2022 be adopted as circulated, including any revisions to be made. 

Under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 and in accordance with Ontario’s Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), The Corporation of the Town of The Blue Mountains wishes to inform the public that all information including opinions, presentations, reports and documentation provided for or at a Public Meeting, Public Consultation, or other Public Process are considered part of the public record. This information may be posted on the Town’s website and/or made available to the public upon request.

NOTE: In accordance with the Town Procedural By-law 2021-76 fifteen minutes allotted at the Council Meeting to receive public comments regarding Town matters.  Any person may provide comments during the Public Comment Period at a Council Meeting, regarding Town matters. Each person shall provide their name and address, and is required to address their comments to the Chair. Comments shall not refer to personal, litigation or potential litigation matters, or be in response to matters that have been the subject of a Public Meeting, it being noted that the verbal commenting period has ended. Written correspondence may still be received in response to matters that have been the subject of a Public Meeting.

NOTE: The Town of The Blue Mountains continues to be in a declared state of emergency, and Council and Committee Meetings continue to be held virtually during this time.  Comments received from the public, that have not been included on the Agenda, will be read at the meeting by the Town Clerk.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receives the correspondence listed as Agenda items D.1.1 to D.1.6, less any items requested for separate review and discussion, and further does support the Staff recommendation made with regard to the Correspondence items, including any additional direction given to Staff through discussion, with an appropriate Staff action or response awaited for report back to Committee or Council, where indicated.

Re: Town of Aurora - Request to Dissolve Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)
(For Council Consideration)

Re: Thornbury West Reconstruction and the SW Corner of Louisa Street and Elma Street
(Received for Information and Referred to Operations Department)

Re: Thornbury West Reconstruction and the SW Corner of Louisa Street and Elma Street
(Received for Information and Referred to Operations Department)

Re: Staff Report CSOPS.22.010 Thornbury West Reconstruction
(Received for Information and Referred to Operations Department)

 Re: AMO’s Response to the Province’s Housing Affordability Task Force Report
(Received for Information and Referred to Planning Services)

Re: Termination of the Town of Collingwood's Membership in the Ontario Municipal Water Association
(For Council Information)

With the adoption of the Committee Reports included on the Consent Agenda, all Recommendations found within the Committee Report(s) are approved by Council, as recommended, less any items requested for separate review and discussion.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT the recommendations found within the Committee Reports included on the March 14, 2022 Council Agenda are approved by Council, as recommended, less any items requested for separate review and discussion.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT, as it relates to the Community Campus of Care Pilot Project at 125 Peel Street, Thornbury, Council receives the comments from the public as compiled by SHS Consulting .

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council reaffirms its support for development of a Community Campus of Care on a portion of the property municipally known as 125 Peel St., Thornbury, and that Council approves in principle, to be considered further at the March 14, 2022 Council Meeting, the inclusion of the following components and directs staff with the support of SHS Consulting as the project Development Management consultant, to begin to prepare Request For Proposal documents that facilitate a competitive process for proposals from development consortiums to design/build a master planned Community Campus of Care that will include the following minimum components and objectives:

    1. Long Term Care facility for at least 160 beds with a maximum height of 6 storeys
    2. Labour Force housing with a maximum height of 6 storeys
    3. Day care space
    4. Retirement Home
    5. A variety of housing forms and unit types that include demonstrated innovation in the delivery of both attainable and market housing supply
    6. 10 contiguous acres of developable land on the site reserved for future municipal facilities and retained in Town ownership
    7. Naturalized stream corridor
    8. Setbacks and road widenings as may be required by the Ministry of Transportation, County of Grey and Town of The Blue Mountains
    9. Onsite active transportation facilities
    10. High quality urban design in accordance with the Town’s Community Design Guidelines
    11. A cohesive architectural theme that compliments the built form within the Thornbury community
    12. Environmental Sustainability including Green Building Components

    AND THAT Council direct that comments in response to the project shall be forwarded to the Town Clerk, then copied to Council and staff, and forwarded to SHS for compilation and summary at the March 14, 2022 Council Meeting.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report CSOPS.22.034, entitled “Community Campus of Care - Single Source Engineering Services”.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains waives the provisions of the Procedural By-law 2021-76 (section 13.b.1) that prohibits electronic participation in a Closed Session unless the municipality is in a declared state of emergency;

    AND THAT Council directs that following the lifting of the current Declared State of Emergency of the Town of The Blue Mountains, that Council Members will continue electronic participation in Closed Session meetings until July 8, 2022.  

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT By-law No. 2022-22 being a By-law to Fill a Vacancy in the Office of a Member of Council for the balance of the 2018-2022 term of Council by appointment of Bill Abbotts as Councillor, be passed this 14th day of March 2022.

In accordance with the Procedural By-law 2021-76, a notice of motion requires a mover and a seconder for the motion to be put before Council.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    WHEREAS The Provincial Policy Statement already states that “Planning authorities shall provide for an appropriate range and mix of housing options and densities to meet projected market-based and affordable housing needs of current and future residents of the regional market area by:

    (a) establishing and implementing minimum targets for the provision of housing which is affordable to low- and moderate-income households and which aligns with applicable housing and homelessness plans”, and


    WHEREAS Part III of the Planning Act requires that an official plan of a municipality “shall contain policies that authorize inclusionary zoning by,

    (a)  authorizing the inclusion of affordable housing units within buildings or projects containing other residential units; and

    (b)  providing for the affordable housing units to be maintained as affordable housing units over time”, and

    WHEREAS The Town’s Official Plan does not meet the requirements of Part III of the Planning Act of Ontario, and the Town has yet to introduce a development planning permit system as contemplated in the Act,

    THEREFORE, as part of, or if needed in advance of any recommendations for changes to the Town’s Official Plan, Council directs staff to report back to Council on:

    1. The timing and details on the establishment of a Development Permit Planning System for the Town, and
    2. The addition to the Town’s Official Plan a definition for an “Attainability Threshold” essentially as follows:
      (a) In the case of ownership units, less that 80% of the averaged assessed value of a single family unit within the municipality, as determined by MPAC, and
      (b) In the case of a rental unit, less than 80% of the average rent reported by the CMHC in its rental Rental Market Survey for the municipality.
    3. The addition to the Town’s Official Plan a definition for an “Attainability Quota Limits” that makes it mandatory that all proposed developments of more than 10 units - include at a minimum 20% of units “Attainable Quota Units” which will be sold or rented at a price which is below the Attainability Threshold, and
    4. Addition to the Official Plan a process whereby a developer may meet the Attainable Housing Quota by either:
      (a) Building the requisite number of Attainable Quota Units; or,
      (b) Purchasing excess quota from another developer who has exceeded the 20% requirement in another development in The Blue Mountains. 
  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT By-law 2020-77, being the Mandatory Face Covering By-law in the Town of The Blue Mountains, shall expire on March 21, 2022 in coordination with the Province of Ontario announcement 

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT with regard to subsection 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, this Council does now move into closed session in order to address matters pertaining to:

    1. personal matters about an identifiable individual, including Town or local board employees and with regard to review of applications received for appointment to the Volunteer Recognition Awards Sub-Committee;
    2. the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, and a litigation or potential litigation matter, including matters before administrative tribunals affecting the municipality or local board, and with regard to an Ontario Land Tribunal matter

    Council moved into closed session at ____p.m.
    Council moved into public session at ____p.m.

Committee of the Whole Meeting, March 15, 2022
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual

Council Meeting, March 28, 2022
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual

Committee of the Whole Meeting, March 29, 2022
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual

Council, Public Meeting, April 4, 2022
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT By-law No. 2022-23, being a By-law to confirm proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of The Blue Mountains on March 14, 2022 be hereby enacted as passed this 14th day of March, 2022.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT this Council does now adjourn at (time) p.m. to meet again March 28, 2022 Town Hall, Council Chambers, or at the call of the Chair.