THAT By-law 2024-83, being a By-law to amend Zoning By-law 2018-65 by changing the zoning symbols for the lands legally described as Town Plot Park, Part of Lots 5 & 6, N/E Alfred St, Plan 107; Part of Lots 5 & 6 RP 16R10171; Parts 2 to 4, (roll number 424200001815700); and Part 1, Plan 107 (roll number 424200001821300), Part of Lot 6, Registered Plan 16R10171, Part of Lot 33, Concession 10 (Geographic Township of Collingwood) Town of Blue Mountains, County of Grey, from Residential (R1-1) Zone to Residential (R1-1-h50) Zone, Residential (R1-1-150-h50) Zone, Residential (R1-1-151-h50) Zone, Residential (R1-1-152-h50) Zone, and Open Space (OS-h50) Zone as shown on the attached Schedule 'A-1' to the By-law, be hereby enacted as passed this 16th day of December, 2024.