AgendaThe Blue Mountains, Committee of AdjustmentMeeting #:Date:Wednesday, March 19, 2025Time: 1:00 P.m. - 4:30 P.m.Location:Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual Meeting32 Mill Street, Thornbury ONPrepared by: Carrie Fairley, Secretary-Treasurer A.Call to Order A.1Traditional Territory Acknowledgement We would like to begin our meeting by recognizing the First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples of Canada as traditional stewards of the land. The municipality is located within the boundary of Treaty 18 region of 1818 which is the traditional land of the Anishnaabek, Haudenosaunee and Wendat-Wyandot-Wyandotte peoples.A.2Committee Member Attendance A.3Approval of Agenda Recommended (Move, Second)THAT the Agenda of March 19, 2025, be approved as circulated, including any additions to the agenda.A.4Declaration of pecuniary interest and general nature thereof NOTE: In accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, the Town Committee of Adjustment By-Law 2024-04, and the Town Procedural By-law 2023-62, Committee of Adjustment Committee Members must file a written statement of the interest and its general nature with the Clerk for inclusion on the Registry. A.5Previous Minutes Recommended (Move, Second)THAT the Minutes of February 19, 2025, be approved as circulated, including any revisions to be made.A.6Business Arising from Previous Minutes NoneB.Public Meeting Under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 and in accordance with Ontario’s Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). The Corporation of the Town of The Blue Mountains wishes to inform the public that all information including opinions, presentations, reports and documentation provided for or at a Public Meeting, Public Consultation, or other Public Process are considered part of the public record. This information may be posted on the Town’s website and/or made available to the public upon request.B.1Minor Variance Application No. A02-2025 1.Notice-of-Public-Hearing(Hybrid)-A02-2025.pdfOwner: Tina and John EdwardsApplicant/Agent: Kaegan Walsh Architect Ltd.Municipal Address: 150 Bay Street EastLegal Description: P 395 PT LOT 18 RP 16R2399 PART 2B.2Minor Variance Application No. A03-2025 1.Notice-of-Public-Hearing(Hybrid)-A03-2025.pdfOwner: Ryan JennettApplicant/Agent: Abbey Scott, First Step Building ConsultantsMunicipal Address: 417208 10th LineLegal Description: COLLINGWOOD CON 11 PT LOT 34 RP 16R2078 PT PART 1B.3Minor Variance Application No. A04-2025 1.Notice-of-Public-Hearing(Hybrid)-A04-2025.pdfOwner: Lorayne and Robert MaaskantApplicant/Agent: Abbey Scott, First Step Building ConsultantsMunicipal Address: 125 Blue Mountain Dr.Legal Description: PLAN 529 W PT LOT 56 RP 16R1328 PART 1B.4Consent Application No. B02-2025, B03-2025 and B04-2025 1.Notice-of-Public-Hearing (Hybrid) B02-2025_B03-2025_B04-2025.pdfOwner: 1000925296 Ontario Inc. Applicant/Agent: Kristine Loft, Loft Planning Inc.Municipal Address: 372 Grey Road 21Legal Description: PT LT 147-148 PL 529 COLLINGWOOD AS IN R262179; S/T R272237, R297829, R301646; THE BLUE MOUNTAINSC.Other Business D.Committee Member Expenses E.Notice of Meeting Date April 16, 2025Town Hall, Council Chambers, and VirtualMay 21, 2025Town Hall, Council Chambers, and VirtualF.Adjournment Recommended (Move, Second)THAT the Committee of Adjustment does now adjourn at (time) p.m. to meet again at the call of the Chair.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Notice-of-Public-Hearing(Hybrid)-A02-2025.pdf1.Notice-of-Public-Hearing(Hybrid)-A03-2025.pdf1.Notice-of-Public-Hearing(Hybrid)-A04-2025.pdf1.Notice-of-Public-Hearing (Hybrid) B02-2025_B03-2025_B04-2025.pdf