The Blue Mountains
Committee of the Whole Meeting

Meeting #:
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual Meeting
32 Mill Street, Thornbury, ON
Prepared by: Corrina Giles, Town Clerk

We would like to begin our meeting by recognizing the First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples of Canada as traditional stewards of the land.  The municipality is located within the boundary of Treaty 18 region of 1818 which is the traditional land of the Anishnaabek, Haudenosaunee and Wendat-Wyandot-Wyandotte peoples.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT the Agenda of July 8, 2024 be approved as circulated, including any items added to the Agenda.

NOTE: In accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and the Town Procedural By-law 2023-62, Council Members must file a written statement of the interest and its general nature with the Clerk for inclusion on the Registry.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT the Committee of the Whole minutes of June 10, 2024, and the Special Committee of the Whole Minutes of June 17, 2024 be adopted as circulated, including any revisions to be made.

Finance, Administration, and Fire Services Reports - To be chaired by Deputy Mayor Bordignon

Re: Request for Council consideration of additional budget for the playground at Bayview Park 

NOTE: In accordance with the Town Procedural By-law 2023-62 Ten minutes allotted at the beginning and end of each section of the Committee of the Whole Meeting to receive public comments regarding matters included on the Agenda. Each person shall provide their name and address, and is required to address their comments to the Chair. Comments shall not refer to personal, litigation or potential litigation matters, or be in response to matters that have been the subject of a Public Meeting, it being noted that the verbal commenting period has ended. Written correspondence may still be received in response to matters  that have been the subject of a Public Meeting. If a person is unable to personally attend the meeting, or during any period where an emergency has been declared to exist in the municipality, they shall provide their Public Comments in writing to the Clerk in advance of the meeting for the Clerk to read on behalf of the author during the Public Comment Period.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report FAF.24.088, entitled “Municipal Funding Agreement – Canada Community-Building Fund”;

    AND THAT Council approve the attached By-law on July 15, 2024, to authorize the execution of the Municipal Funding Agreement for the transfer of the Canada Community-Building Fund between the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the Corporation of the Town of The Blue Mountains; 

    AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute the Municipal Funding Agreement for the transfer of the Canada Community-Building Fund between the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the Corporation of the Town of The Blue Mountains.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report FAF.24.084, entitled “Beaver Valley Sustainable Tourism Project Partner MOU”;

    AND THAT Council endorses the Memorandum of Understanding between the project partners, Town of The Blue Mountains, Grey County, Grey Highlands and Regional Tourism Organization 7: BruceGreySimcoe, confirming the Town’s commitment to the principles as outlined;

    AND THAT Council further acknowledges that any financial commitments associated with the Memorandum of Understanding or Beaver Valley Sustainable Tourism Strategy be included annually in the budget process for Council consideration.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report FAF.24.085, entitled “Informal Public Engagement Opportunities Follow Up”;

    AND THAT Council approves the plan as presented and directs staff to proceed with implementation efforts to schedule and promote the Coffee/Breakfast with Council events, beginning September 2024, and the Community BBQ with Council event to be scheduled for Sunday, August 18, 2024;

    AND THAT Council approves funding to support these initiatives at an upset limit of $2,000.00 to be funded through the 2024 Council Operating budget;

    AND THAT Council directs staff to provide a follow-up report in Spring 2025 to debrief on these new initiatives, including a full breakdown of costs and staff time.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report FAF.24.067, entitled “Council Direction to Preliminary Proceed with the Implementation of Municipal Accommodation Tax”;

    AND THAT Council receive the draft Municipal Accommodation Tax By-law as included in Attachment #1 to this report, and directs staff to schedule a Public Meeting on September 10, 2024, to receive comments from the public regarding the draft By-law;

    AND THAT Council acknowledges that the Town’s Notice Policy (POL.COR.07.03), requires 21 days’ notice of this Public Meeting, and that notice of the public meeting will be posted to the Town website on August 20, 2024;

    AND THAT Council receive the draft Town Use of MAT Funds Policy as included in Attachment #2 to this report, and directs staff to make the draft policy available on the project webpage to receive feedback from the public and stakeholders throughout Summer 2024;

    AND THAT Council approves the Blue Mountain Village Association as the Town’s official Destination Marketing Organization and confirms that if Municipal Accommodation Tax is implemented, the Blue Mountain Village Association will be deemed as the eligible tourism entity that will receive a portion of the collected revenue based on a revenue sharing agreement between the Town and the Blue Mountain Village Association that will be brought forward to Council in a future staff report;

    AND THAT Council approves a project budget at an upset limit of $80,000 to be temporarily funded through working capital and directs staff to finalize the request-for-proposal process by awarding the Tourism and Marketing Strategy Request-for-Proposal 2024-30-P-ADM contract to the successful bidder as determined through the formal evaluation process.

Note: This report will be released on the Revised Agenda on Friday July 5, 2024.

Community Services Reports - To be chaired by Councillor McKinlay


NOTE: In accordance with the Town Procedural By-law 2023-62 Ten minutes allotted at the beginning and end of each section of the Committee of the Whole Meeting to receive public comments regarding matters included on the Agenda. Each person shall provide their name and address, and is required to address their comments to the Chair. Comments shall not refer to personal, litigation or potential litigation matters, or be in response to matters that have been the subject of a Public Meeting, it being noted that the verbal commenting period has ended. Written correspondence may still be received in response to matters  that have been the subject of a Public Meeting. If a person is unable to personally attend the meeting, or during any period where an emergency has been declared to exist in the municipality, they shall provide their Public Comments in writing to the Clerk in advance of the meeting for the Clerk to read on behalf of the author during the Public Comment Period.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report CSOPS.24.054, entitled “171 Tyrolean Lane Noise By-law Relief Request”;

    AND THAT Council deny the request for relief from the provisions of the Noise By-law for a birthday party gathering of sixteen guests on Sunday, August 11, 2024 at 171 Tyrolean Lane from 12:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report CSOPS.24.053, entitled “Blue Mountain Village Association Noise By-law Relief Request”;

    AND THAT Council authorize the request for relief from the provisions of the Noise By-law for the Deloitte Regional Parnter Meeting reception event on Friday, July 19, 2024 at the Blue Mountain Village main event plaza from 5:00 p.m. to 12:00a.m.

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT Council receive Staff Report CSOPS.24.049, entitled “Lora Bay Working Group Update” for information purposes;

    AND THAT Council dissolve the Lora Bay Working Group as it has concluded its original mandate as outlined in the Terms of Reference that was approved by Council;

    AND THAT Council formally thank members of the Lora Bay Working Group for their efforts and commitment to our community.

Council, Public Meeting, July 9, 2024
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual

Council Meeting, July 15, 2024
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual

Committee of the Whole Meeting, Finance, Administration, Fire Services and Community Services, August 26, 2024
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual

Committee of the Whole Meeting, Operations and Planning and Development Services, August 27, 2024
Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtual

  • Recommended (Move, Second)

    THAT this Committee of the Whole does now adjourn at TIME p.m. to meet again on August 26, 2024, Town Hall, Council Chambers and Virtually, or at the call of the Chair.

No Item Selected