THAT Council receive Staff Report FAF.24.067, entitled “Council Direction to Preliminary Proceed with the Implementation of Municipal Accommodation Tax”;
AND THAT Council receive the draft Municipal Accommodation Tax By-law as included in Attachment #1 to this report, and directs staff to schedule a Public Meeting on September 10, 2024, to receive comments from the public regarding the draft By-law;
AND THAT Council acknowledges that the Town’s Notice Policy (POL.COR.07.03), requires 21 days’ notice of this Public Meeting, and that notice of the public meeting will be posted to the Town website on August 20, 2024;
AND THAT Council receive the draft Town Use of MAT Funds Policy as included in Attachment #2 to this report, and directs staff to make the draft policy available on the project webpage to receive feedback from the public and stakeholders throughout Summer 2024;
AND THAT Council approves the Blue Mountain Village Association as the Town’s official Destination Marketing Organization and confirms that if Municipal Accommodation Tax is implemented, the Blue Mountain Village Association will be deemed as the eligible tourism entity that will receive a portion of the collected revenue based on a revenue sharing agreement between the Town and the Blue Mountain Village Association that will be brought forward to Council in a future staff report;
AND THAT Council approves a project budget at an upset limit of $80,000 to be temporarily funded through working capital and directs staff to finalize the request-for-proposal process by awarding the Tourism and Marketing Strategy Request-for-Proposal 2024-30-P-ADM contract to the successful bidder as determined through the formal evaluation process.