THAT Council receive Staff Report FAF.24.104, entitled “Follow up to 171 King Street Public Meeting”;
AND THAT Council declare 171 King Street surplus to the needs of the municipality for the purposes of selling the lands in the future;
AND THAT Council direct staff to initiate a formal Request for Proposal process for the purposes of receiving proposals that can be considered by Council that specifically outline the intention of the proposed use of the land if purchased by the selected proponent;
AND THAT Council direct staff to initiate the completion of a third-party professional appraisal of 171 King Street to inform the Request for Proposal process and be compliant with Town Policy;
AND THAT Council provide staff clear direction regarding land uses that would not be considered and/or accepted through the Request for Proposal process;
AND THAT Council provide staff clear direction regarding what, if any, proposed land uses are preferred so these can be incorporated into the Request for Proposal specifications to assist in establishing the evaluation criteria.