AgendaThe Blue Mountains, Accountability and Transparency CommitteeMeeting #:Date:Thursday, March 13, 2025Time: 9:30 A.m. - 11:30 A.m.Location:Virtual Meeting, Teams Prepared By:Carrie Fairley, Legislative CoordinatorA.Call to Order A.1Traditional Territory Acknowledgement and Moment of Reflection We would like to begin our meeting by recognizing the First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples of Canada as traditional stewards of the land. The municipality is located within the boundary of Treaty 18 region of 1818 which is the traditional land of the Anishnaabek, Haudenosaunee and Wendat-Wyandot-Wyandotte peoples.A.2Committee Member Attendance A.3Approval of Agenda Recommended (Move, Second)THAT the Agenda of March 13, 2025 be approved as circulated, including any items added to the Agenda.A.4Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and general nature thereof NOTE: In accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and the Town Procedural By-law 2023-62, Council or Committee Members must file a written statement of the interest and its general nature with the Clerk for inclusion on the Registry.A.5Previous Minutes Recommended (Move, Second)THAT the Accountability and Transparency Committee minutes of February 13, 2025 be adopted as circulated, including any revisions to be made. B.Staff Reports and Deputation NONEC.Public Comment Period NOTE: In accordance with the Town Procedural By-law 2023-62, ten minutes is allotted at the Meeting to receive public comments regarding Accountability and Transparency Committee matters included on the Agenda. The speaker shall provide their name and address and shall address their comments to the Chair. Comments shall not refer to personal, litigation, or potential litigation matters, or regarding matters that are a follow-up to a Public Meeting.Comments received by the public that have not been included on the Agenda will be read at the meeting by the Legislative Coordinator.D.Matters for Discussion D.1Follow-up Direction from Council NONED.2Outcome of February 18, 2025 Council Meeting D.3Procedural Bylaw D.4Lobbyist Registry D.5Accountability and Transparency in the context of a communication vehicle, including surveys D.6Code of Conduct E.Correspondence NONEF.Work Plan G.On-going and Continuous Monitoring of Accountability and Transparency Trends and Issues H.Update: Strategic Task Force I.New and Unfinished Business I.1Additions to Agenda I.2Items Identified for Discussion at the Next Meeting J.Notice of Meeting Dates Accountability and Transparency Committee, April 10, 2025, Virtual Accountability and Transparency Committee, May 15, 2025, VirtualK.Adjournment Recommended (Move, Second)THAT this Accountability and Transparency Committee Meeting does now adjourn at (time) p.m. to meet again April 10, 2025 Virtually, or at the call of the Chair.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.