THAT Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains receives for information and consideration, the following recommendation from the Accountability and Transparency Committee dated October 10, 2024:
THAT the Accountability and Transparency Committee requests the Town Clerk to commence the process for the review of the Council Code of Conduct Policy in coordination with the Accountability and Transparency Committee and the Town's Integrity Commissioner.
AND THAT the Accountability and Transparency Committee strongly encourages the HR department to bring forward the Code of Conduct for Staff. It is further noted that it is highly desirable to have these two policies reviewed together, CARRIED.
AND THAT Council directs the Town Clerk to commence the process for the review of the Council Code of Conduct Policy in coordination with the Accountability and Transparency Committee and the Town's Integrity Commissioner;
AND THAT Council acknowledges that the Accountability and Transparency Committee strongly encourages the HR department to bring forward the Code of Conduct for Staff. It is further noted that it is highly desirable to have these two policies reviewed together